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Sunday, September 8, 2024

How to Build a Brand on Instagram

  • Louise Simon
  • Key Takeaways

    • Instagram has been giving hard competition to Facebook to become the first choice for brands to advertise themselves.
    • 64.9% of content present on Instagram is photo-based.
    • Most activity done on this platform is watching stories and browsing feeds.
    • 93% of brands decide to move on to this platform so that they can collaborate with influencers. 

    Nobody can deny the fact that in current demographics, the reign of social media is unimaginable. Billions of people celebrate their presence on social media platforms. Be it sharing videos, locations, photos, or anything else. Not only common people but brands are also super-excited about making their existence. Brands and companies thrive on opportunities like this, as they get to target a bigger audience with unimaginable potential and growth. 

    In the current situation, the trending platform that companies are most attracted to is none other than Instagram. This name has emerged in a way that it has already surpassed Facebook a while ago from the position of undeclared king of social media. Thanks to its popularity, companies are eager to advertise themselves here and reach as many people as they can in this competitive digital landscape.

    Today, we will dive deeper into the fundamentals of how you can build your brand and advertise it on Instagram to reach the point of great success. One of the most trending forms of entertainment in current times is short-form videos. Along with it, live-streaming, and interactive features are also very trendy. 

    With these conditions, Instagram video editing is more of a necessity than a skill. Since your brand name has to grow more than anyone else, you need to build your own presence. Therefore, the content you are delivering should also be top-notch. The longer your impression lasts on people, the higher your sales will jump higher.

    Whether you’re a well-trained marketer or a passionate content creator, let us start this journey to video editing and propel your brand to new heights on the vibrant canvas of Instagram. It requires careful planning, consistent effort, and a clear understanding of your brand identity. Here are some steps to help you build a strong brand on Instagram:

    Define Your Brand Identity: 

    Before you start posting on Instagram, have a clear understanding of your brand’s values, mission, and unique selling proposition (USP). Determine the tone, style, and aesthetics that align with your brand.

    Choose a Compelling Username and Profile Picture: 

    Your username should be relevant and easy to remember. Your profile picture should be a recognizable representation of your brand, such as your logo.

    Optimize Your Bio: 

    Craft a concise and engaging bio that clearly explains what your brand is about and how it benefits your audience. Use relevant keywords and include a link to your website or a specific landing page.

    Develop a Content Strategy: 

    Plan the types of content you will share on Instagram. This can include product photos, behind-the-scenes glimpses, customer testimonials, educational content, user-generated content (UGC), and more. Create a content calendar to maintain consistency. You can also utilize certain tools, such as an Instagram bot to boost your engagement.

    Curate High-Quality Visuals: 

    Instagram is a visual platform, so invest in creating eye-catching and professional-looking photos and videos. Use tools like Canva or InVideo to design graphics and maintain a cohesive visual theme. In this tool, they have pre-defined templates like Instagram Reel templates, intro template, and Instagram story templates, so they can help to create fast visual videos and reels for your brand.

    Leverage Instagram Stories and Reels: 

    These features allow you to showcase your brand in a more dynamic and authentic way. Use Stories for behind-the-scenes, Q&A sessions, and real-time updates. Reels can be used for short-form entertaining or informative content.


    This graph proves how much people love watching stories on Instagram. 64.9% of Instagram content is photo-based, in which stories also play a big role. Therefore, you should also leverage this opportunity to showcase an impeccable slideshow of exciting brand-related photos to captivate more audience. 

    Engage with Your Audience: 


    Respond to comments and direct messages promptly. Build a sense of community by interacting with your followers and showing appreciation for their support.

    Utilize Hashtags Strategically: 

    Research and use relevant hashtags to reach a broader audience and increase the discoverability of your content. Use a mix of popular and niche hashtags.

    93% of brands use Instagram for influencer marketing. This graph proves how much collaboration among brands and influencers is getting popular day by day. 


    Collaborate with Influencers: 

    Partnering with influencers in your niche can help expand your brand’s reach and credibility. Choose influencers whose audience aligns with your target market.

    Run Instagram Contests and Giveaways: 

    Contests and giveaways can boost engagement and attract new followers. Offer prizes that resonate with your audience to encourage participation.

    Monitor Analytics and Adjust: 

    Use Instagram Insights to track the performance of your posts and overall account. Analyze which content resonates most with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly.

    Cross-promote on Other Channels: 

    Promote your Instagram account on other social media platforms, your website, email newsletters, and any other marketing channels you use.


    Defining a clear brand identity and maintaining consistency in your visual aesthetics, tone, and messaging is the foundation for success on Instagram. By curating high-quality content, embracing video editing to tell compelling stories, and leveraging features like Stories and Reels, you can captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression.

    Active engagement with your followers, responding to comments, and collaborating with influencers foster a sense of community around your brand. Additionally, utilizing relevant hashtags and running contests and giveaways can expand your reach and attract new followers.

    Remember, building a brand on Instagram is not an overnight endeavor. It requires dedication, authenticity, and a genuine passion for connecting with your audience. As you build your brand on this visual playground, keep in mind that the journey is a dynamic and iterative process. Stay agile, be receptive to feedback, and celebrate the milestones along the way.

    In the end, building a successful brand on Instagram is not just about the number of followers, likes, or comments you accumulate, but about the genuine impact you make on the lives of your audience. So, let your creativity soar, tell your unique story, and embrace the power of Instagram to build a brand that stands out, inspires, and leaves a lasting impression in the hearts of your followers. Happy branding!

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